How you are actually making time to create every day, and how you’re inviting creativity into your space daily? I know that this is a struggle for some people. Because as a video coach, I hear all the time: “XayLi I don’t know what to create.” “ I don’t know what to share.” “I just don’t know.”
I have a few reasons for why this happens. A few of which I’m not going to go into today, but a lot of that has to do with you not making the space or the room for inviting creativity into your daily practice.
I want to talk about overthinking your creativity versus flowing in your creativity. I want to talk about giving yourself the permission to create by just giving time to creativity, because, let’s be honest, we don’t do that enough.
And. Also. Creating routines that are special to you before you create so that your mind, body and soul are aligned with the fact that you are about to create something.
Why we aren’t creative or why we aren’t being creative on a daily basis.
So a lot of us are overthinking as it pertains to getting creative and creativity is something that is so vast and so wide. There’s so much to get into, as it pertains to being creative. Being creative could be your full-on essence and who you are, and how you interact with people, the effect that you leave on people when you leave a room.
I want you to say. I am a creative being.
A lot of us are overthinking that creativity because we have not been thinking:
“I am creative, and every word that I speak is creative. Every day I wake up, I get to create this day. I get to decide, if this day is going to be an amazing day or if this day is going to be total trash. I get to create an experience and create the vibe of a meeting. I’m allowed to create the way that my people feel about me on social media or Instagram. I get to create. I am placed here to actually create even a life that I love.”
The thing is that a lot of us are in the process of creating the life that we love, but we’re hating the journey of creating that.
Stop the overthinking and just flow into being, especially when you’re confused.
Social media confuses us sometimes because we lose our voice when we’re paying attention to other people’s voices and totally tuning into them. This leads to overthinking, and a lot of times we just need to come back to self and connect with self, and just being.
But, you have to document that being. Meaning the way that you make your tea is different from the way that I make my tea. The way that you create your content is different from the way that I create my content. The way that you do your hair is different from the way that I do my hair. But I share it. And so you’re able to share and create your own space as well. In this space.
I want you to tap into more of documentation if you’re confused on what to talk about in your social spaces.
Document the way that you do things.
And I talk about this all the time. Document the way that you work with your clients, the way that you probably do something that is brand specific. Let’s say, eating a bagel is really important to you and your brand every morning. How do you prepare that bagel? Somebody is going to see it and they’re going to be amazed by it. That is flow.
When you start creating in a way where you’re documenting things that really matter towards your brand and business, that flow is going to create more flow. Because then you’re showing up, people are going to want to know more about you and the way you work. But, make sure that whatever you share is related to your business. You’re allowed to share personal stories and anecdotes, but make them related to your business.
Give Yourself Permission to Create
A lot of times we are busy running around. We’re doing so many things. And you’re not inviting creativity into that process. For example, you might be working at your nine to five and probably trying to squeeze time in for your online business.
Creativity does not mean that you have to sit down and mold for hours over a document, a workshop, a piece of art that you’re doing. It doesn’t mean that.
Maximum creativity or I would say even more impactful creativity is us actually contributing to a bigger piece.
Set at least half an hour a day. It’s going to be so much more intentional. For example, my assistant has been saying that I’ve got to show up on the Start, Shoot, Grow Instagram a bit more. Ironically, I’ve been so busy creating that I have not been able to do that. So, now I’ve scheduled that time into my calendar which means I’m being more intentional about being on social media by giving myself the permission to create that time, to create space on social.
Schedule 30 minutes to sit down and invite creativity.
A lot of times we give the excuse of not feeling creative. One of my favorite books is by Steven Pressfield “The war of art” I always mix it up with the art of war. It’s such a powerful book because he reminds you that you have to sit down and invite the message and fight creativity. When I speak about creativity, I’m speaking about creating a sales page, creating a masterclass, a workshop, an online course, etc. think it’s so powerful that we create that invitation, but that we sit down to invite that.
Create Routines for inviting creativity into your space.
When I have to do something really important I feel resistance. I feel so much resistance because I’m probably overthinking the process, or I’m probably not excited about it because I’m thinking about it in the wrong way. By default, this is how we think. And I think that creating that routine gives us a bit of time to reset our mindset and really think about the value or the way that we’re helping people or the things that we’re giving out into the world.
Creating routines might involve me putting on my AirPods and listening to abundance frequency, something to get me into a good mood and start feeling good, some binaural beats, or I might listen to one of the audio meditations that I have over just to get me into the mood and to spark that creativity. Creating routines for me could also involve making some tea, putting up essential oils, mapping out, or brainstorming new ideas.
Schedule 30 minutes and create a routine. It’s so crazy that once you start doing that, you’ll start flowing, and before you know it, you’ve gotten so much out of you.
I wanted to remind you that whatever you want to do, you can definitely do it, as long as you take the time to invite that creativity and create every day.
So, I hope that this is helpful for you.

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