If you are in the online space, you’re on Instagram. And, if you’re on Instagram, you may be using a platform to share your links to your freebies, offers, website, groups, and so on. Most of you have used Link Tree before, which is a way to put different links on Instagram rather than one that Instagram allows us to have. However, I use a different platform to hack my Instagram bio. It’s called Solo.to.
Here, you can have your cover photo, your bio, your contact information, your location. It’s an alternative to link tree. And, don’t get me wrong. Link Tree is a good platform to share your links. But, on Solo, you can host different things. For example, you can actually put your youtube videos in there, and your audience can watch them in that space. So, it’s not just about sharing links. You can directly put your videos in there.
Instagram allows you to only one link in your bio. So, it’s always good to have a link where you can share all of your information, videos, links, and whatever that you decide to share.
Be smarter than Instagram and use Solo to easily share your links.

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